3 - 2 - 1 Green Smoothies
Don’t be misled by the name green smoothie—when you use dark berries like blueberries, you can hardly tell full of vegetables. A whole meal in a glass, this recipe is an excellent way to get nutritious greens into the bellies of the reluctant.
3 cups tender chard, spinach, kale, or arugula
2 cups juice, kefir, coconut milk, or other liquid
1 cup yogurt for the tofu or more tofu for the yogurt
frozen berries, banana, or other fruit
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/4 block of silken tofu
honey or sugar to taste
Substitute more yogurt for the tofu or more tofu for the yogurt. Chunks of frozen banana are great, too.
Some people like to add a spoonful of nut butters instead of or in addition to the tofu. Ground flax seeds also make a good addition, but they will really thicken the smoothie.
Blend until smooth.
Makes about 3 servings.
And three more food ideas for the first week of summer...
1) Genius smoothie hack: use a mason jar: http://bit.ly/1qrSv1r2) Raw kale salad. Simple. Wow: http://bit.ly/1rnhGlv
3) Creamed chard, because butter: http://martha.ms/1p6DrZX
Find more great food ideas, indexed by subject, on the Bluestemfarmers Pinterest boards.